For almost the past ten years, we have been hosting a free drop in creative night on Thursday evenings. Starting at 5pm and officially ending at 9:30 (those who have come regularly know it can last much longer) we invite anyone creative to drop by during that time.
We have had graphic designers, jewelers, painters, drawers, paper cut artists, book sculptors, photographers - even a stray musician have attended over the years. We have all learned from one another and created lasting friendships.
If you are in the area, swing on by - bring your "supplies" and come hang out and create!
VALKARIE GALLERY & STUDIO . 445 S SAULSBURY ST, LAKEWOOD, CO 80226 . 720-220-7587 HOURS: TH:4-9:30 F: 4 - 8:30 SA: 12-6 SU: 12 - 5 M&T: CLOSED